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bài bài


  • 拼音bài bài
  • 注音ㄅㄞˋ ㄅㄞˋ

⒈ 旧时妇女行礼,即万福。

a form of greeting by women;

⒉ 英:再见。


⒈ 台湾风俗,每逢节日、佛诞、新谷登场、婚寿葬祭,都要供奉神明和宴请亲朋,有时甚至演戏酬神。这种活动称为“拜拜”

custom of enshrining and worshipping in Taiwan;

⒈ 台湾 风俗,每逢佳节或祭神日,大宴宾客,俗谓之拜拜。

⒉ 英语bye-bye的译音。谓再会。

⒈ 一种供神的仪式。


⒉ 再见。为英语 bye-bye的音译。

英语(loanword)​ bye-bye, also pr. [bai1 bai1] etc, (coll.)​ to part ways (with sb)​, (fig.)​ to have nothing further to do (with sb or sth)​, to pay one's respects by bowing with hands in front of one's chest clasping joss sticks, or with palms pressed together, (Taiwan)​ religious ceremony in which offerings are made to a deity

德语Tschüs, Bye bye , Tschüß, Bye bye

法语bye-bye, festival d'adoration, adorer (les dieux)​ (Tw)​