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1)semireflexivity,半自反性2)semi-reflexive modules,半自反模3)reflexive semimodule,自反半模4)semi-reflexive radical,半自反根5)semi-reflexive module,半自反模6)semi-reflexive,半自反


    By means of introducing semi-reflexive modules,we give the concept of SR-projective modules and SR-injective modules.


    In this thesis,offering the definition of SR-projective modules and corresponding propositions,by means of introducing semi-reflexive modules,we have proved a definition of equal value of injective modules.


    In this paper, we definde the dual semimodule and reflexive semimodule in the category of semimodules and completely generalize the results of dual modules and reflexive modules to the dual semimodules and reflexive semimodules.

    本文在半模范畴中建立了对偶半模与自反半模的概念 ,并把模范畴中有关模的对偶性与自反性的结果完整地推广到半模范畴

    In this paper,we introduce semi-reflexive module by means of semi-reflexive radical,and introduce semi-reflexive dimension of module in terms of meta-projectivity.

    从不同角度引入半自反模和半自反维数的概念 ,并根据半自反维数的特性 ,讨论了环的分类 ,给出了半自反维数为 0和 1的两类环的存在性以及GN -环上的有限生成半自反模的结构 ,即他是有限生成自由模的子模 。

    This paper gives a new uniform convexity definition with neighbourhoods in locally convex spaces, we obtain that locally convex spaces of both quasi-completeness and uniform convexity are semi-reflexive, generalize the conclusion of uniform convexity of locally convex spaces put forward by Wu Congxin and have solved his remaining problems.
