Based on the idea of square grid partition,a directional algorithm of wireless sensor is put forward.
The source and grammaticalization of the temporal adverb zhengzai (正在);
"Yng,Zheng,Ruo and yong" are characters in the line statements on oracle bone inscriptions found in Hua Dong.
The article understands zhen(贞)as zheng(正) and has the first year of the Han Dynasty as the standard year of calculation and provides answers to relevant basic questions.
而对于此句的解读又是众所纷纭 ,本文以“贞”为正 ,以汉初元年为推算的标准年 ,并对相关的基本问题一一作答。
All the papers and books which have so far been published considers zheng(正),zai(在)and zhe(着)as the same: they all express progressive aspect.
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