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branching point,ramification point是什么意思



1)branching point,ramification point,[分]支点2)bifurcation,分支点3)branch point,分支点4)branching point,分支点5)bifurcation point,分支点6)point of branching,分支点7)ramification point,分支点8)subcentre,主分支点9)Burst Node,分支点10)point,branch,分支点


    In the vicinity of bifurcation singularities of non redundant robot manipulators, null space based quasi arc length method will face difficulties due to the existence of more then one solution branches of the inverse kinematics while tracking the desired path in the workspace.

    为此 ,本文通过计算[分]支点的局部模型 ,提出从[分]支点开始向两侧延拓的解曲线计算方法 ,有效地完成了路径跟踪求解 ,在关节空间获得光滑的运动轨

    In this paper an effective method to identify bifurcation and limit points in path follow ing is presented with a numerical example.


    A new normal family theorem is obtained that let W be a family of algebroid function in a domain D of sphere V,if for all p D, there is a neighborhood U(p) with existing at most k branch points in U(p),furthermore there exist fix complex values a1,a2,a3 for each fW,then W is normal in D.

    证明了代数体函数的正规定理:设W为区域D内的一个k-值代数体函数族,若对p D,其充分小的邻域U(p)使得对f W至多有k个[分]支点(重点按重数记),又W中每个函数都不取固定的3个互不相同的复数,则W在D内正规。

    In the present paper we discuss the conformal minimal brasification of the branch points of the conformal branch immersion.

    对曲面到Kaehler流形的共形极小分支浸入的[分]支点给一种(q,r)型分类,进而研究到复射影空间的共形极小分支浸入,得知相应的 -变换和 -变换在[分]支点的性态。