The ferroelectromagnetic lattice is a magnetoelectric coupling system in which the ferroelectric order and(anti)ferromagnetic order coexist simultaneously below a certain temperature.
The effect of order-disorder on magnetic properties of FeAl intermetallic deserves much attention.
It proposes that if teachers want to break the silence and closeness of the classroom teaching and start a new system of classroom teaching,the key should be to realize the classroom teaching(systematical→nonsystematical→systematical).
本文立足于课堂教学改革的前沿 ,以“耗散”结构理论透视当前小学课堂教学 ,提出要打破封闭的静态课堂 ,建立一个开放的充满活力的课堂教学新体系 ,关键是要实现课堂教学的“耗散”(即从有序→无序→有序
The extrinsic factors include order-disorder degree, .
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