The expression counting atomic number has been suggested.
Germany’s Influence on the Local Self-government of Japan in Modern Times:Centering on the Communalism of Gneist,Mosse and Yamagata Aritomo;
Moseley picture is usually utilized to perform comparable study on equal-electron atom system spectra in order to decide the order for the electrons how to go into all kinds of orbits,is usually related to the spectrum-item values of a atom system in atomphysics.
在原子物理中 ,常利用莫塞莱图来进行等电子体系的光谱比较研究 ,把莫塞莱图与一个原子体系的光谱项值联系起来 ,进而确定原子核外电子填充轨迹的先后秩序 ,并顺利地解决了钾的第十九个电子不进入 3d态而填补在 4s态 ,钙的第十九个和第二十个电子不进入 3d态而填补在 4s态等问题。
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