The analyzed results indicate that the twinned area fraction increases gradually with the increment of the strain,the twinning is main deformation mechanism,its stress-strain curve is concave,for the sample with 90° angle between compression a.
结果表明:应变率约为1 200 s-1,压缩方向与板面法向成90°时,孪晶的面积分数随应变量的增大逐渐增加,孪生是主要变形机制,其曲线为凹型;压缩方向与板面法向成45°及0°时,其塑性变形以位错滑移为主,曲线形状分别为近似线型和凸型;应变率约为2 800 s-1,压缩方向与板面法向成90°时,孪晶面积分数迅速增加,大多数晶粒取向发生了改变,有利于滑移,其曲线由较低应变率的凹形变为凸型。
Macro-texture and Micro-twins in Free-standing Diamond Films;
The study of bainite appearance and twins sub-structure in 34CrNi3MoV;
In both primary γ-grains and γ-laths within lamellar α2+γ colonies, the ordinary 1/2<110] dislocations and the true twins created by1/6<112] partial dislocations or pseudotwins created by 1/6<121] partial dislocations were o.
Simpleness of Indexing F.C.C Twin Diffraction Patterns;
Analysis of the Twin Phenomenon in LEC-InP Crystal;
A Modified Approach to the Calculation of the Relative Rotation Matrix for Twin Region in the Crystallographhy of Martensitic Phase Transition;
The result show that twinning take place in all the grains in AZ31 magnesium alloy rolled at 300 ℃.
The twinning process in a magnesium AZ31 alloy with initial texture is quantitatively analyzed during plane-strain compression by means of orientation mapping based on EBSD technique.
However,the current crystal plasticity theory mainly based on that slip accounted for plastic deformation,thus it was limited one applying to predict something responded to plastic deformation caused by both slip and twinning for a material.
The defects includ twin crystal and hole.
Flocculation and coalescence of crystal nuclei lead to twin crystals and further to form T-grains.
The results show that solid solubility was inereased and twin crystal was found in heat effect area.
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