Duality for multiobjective programming involving n-set functions;
This paper studied a class of multiobjective programing problems involving differentiable n-set functions,and obtained sufficient optimality conditions for weak efficient solutions under generalized convexity conditions.
在较弱凸性条件下 ,研究了一类可微 n-集函数多目标规划问题的可行解是弱有效解的最优性充分条件。
On generalized new quantitative index of N-function;
Both the double serical and integral type Hardy-Hilbert inequalities in Orlicz norm are established under the conditions that both the N-function and its complentary N-function satisfy the△′condition.
We gave an answer to the open problem,raised by Maligranda,that when 1Φ-11t is a concave function if Φ is an N-function
M aligranda提出:若Φ是一N-函数,何时1Φ-11t是一个凹函数?我们给出一个解。
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