Because the foreign religions have the similarity with the world image and meaning contained in the Yi&Fu gram,they attach importance to the explanation of Fu gram and make the Fu gram become the basis of their own development and further exist in harmony with the Chinese traditional culture despite their difference.
It is commonly believed in the circle of history in China that a remarkable feature of French Revolution is that it cast aside the religious coat.
国内史学界普遍依据恩格斯的论断 ,认为法国大革命一个显著特点就是指导思想完全抛弃了宗教外衣。
According to Feuerbach,the dialectics is the dislogue between "I-You",an initiative action of humans,taken as the religion of love.
在费尔巴哈看来 ,辩证法是“我与你”的对话 ;“我与你”的对话是人自身的原初活动 ,表现为爱的宗教 ;通过“我与你”的对话、通过爱实现人之为人的本质。
Though the ancient Chinese and the ancient Hebrew had some sameness in their religious aims, the two nations were different in their religious worships and beliefs, as is shown in their classics Zhousong and Psalms.
The Coexistence of the Foreign Religion and the Rural Tradition Under the Background of Social Transformation;
The Spreading of Incoming Religion Culture Under Imperial Power in Ancient China;
How did the Chinese and the Western Receive the Other Religion;
On the Adaptation for External Religions to China with a Viewpoint of "Harmonizing with Confucianism;
On sedimentation of religious cultures in words of English and Chinese;
Why is it that, being both foreign religions, Christianity could not take root in China but Buddhism could?
Why the Foreign Religions Attach Importance To The Explanation of Fu Gram;
Religions coming from elsewhere must respect and adapt to such Chinese character before they could gain a foothold in China.
On the Cultural Features of External Religious Architectures along the Canal in Northwest Shandong;
Generally speaking, foreign religious believers believe in their own god and do not accept other religions.
Buddhist organizations and religious circles in Tibet have actively carried out friendly exchanges with their counterparts abroad.
These visitors brought to China the foreign religious culture such as Islamism.
Any region revered in non-Christian religions
Islam exerted a great influence on the social structure of Hui nationality which is characterized by the fact that religion and common customs combine into one.
Men will wrangle for religion; write for it ' fight for it; die for it; anything but live for it .
Being able to get added research from your religious buildings definitely increases the effectiveness of religious-minded builders.
The religious traditions of the city survived all invasions.
Original Religion Researches on the Ethnic Groups in the Southwestern Part of China in Modern Times;
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