The thought on Neo-Confucianism self-cultivation;
This paper attempts to discuss various means of self-cultivation,and points out the correct way to strengthen people s ideological and ethical standard.
To serve masses of readers heart and soul,make the library a comfortable home to get spiritual nutrient and make the books of the library better to use to realize their value,librarians must strengthen the self-cultivation in thinking,morality,profession,etiquette,culture,appreciation and something about protocol training and elaborates.
Therefore, self cultivation is necessary for the teacher.
为此 ,教师需要不断地提高自我修
Through the management and teaching practice of colleges and universities for many years, the author puts forward some measures to strengthen the self-cultivation in order to improve management level of colleges and universities teaching.
This paper expounds the importance of strengthening the professional ethic of editors, points out that improving the self-cultivation is the key to strengthen the professional ethic of editors, and advances some measures for strengthening the professional ethic of editors.
So the college advisers must improve themselves in term of self-cultivation frist,and try to influence students with their personality charm and help them to build their own personality charm.
Self-cultivation of Gratitude Awareness among University Students in Their Emotional Life
Bases on the self-cultivation of young librarian, the paper discusses the inherent quality and external behavior during the course of self-cultivatio n of prestige for young librarians, points out that young librarians must work h ard to enhance their own prestige on the basis of their own quality, and should practice the self-cultivation of their own prestige in multiple means.
To a designer of advertisements,good ideas are the key to success,hence the self-cultivation of creativeness is especially important.
Elementary analysis on environment creating and self-training for instructor to train innovation ability;
The training of this type of teachers includes subjective self-training and objective environmental training, thus the teachers adapt to new rote of new century.
本文从创造型教师的素质构成及培养两个方面 ,阐述创造型教师应该是具备了各种创造性素质并能够胜任创造教育任务的教师 ,创造型教师的培养 ,既有主观方面的自我培养 ,又有客观方面的环境培养 ,从而使得教师符合新世纪新教师的角色要
Inspiration of Confucius morality cultivation to students of teachers colleges;
Carrying Forward Traditional Virtues, Enhancing Self-cultivation of College Students;
The Rule of Self-Tutelage in Confucianism and Its Modern Inspiration of Method of Moral Education;
On improvement of Ideological and Political Workers Sulf-accomplishment in New Era;
The standards of mental health should be generalized from three aspects: conscientiousness, agreeableness and self attainment.
Strengthening Self-cultivation and Enhancing Medical Psychological Diathesis of Clinical Teachers of Gynecology and Obstetrics;
加强自我修养 提高妇产科临床教师医学心理素质
Innovation--the Vitality of the Development of the Landscape Painting,Talking about Self-Cultivation and Artistic Creation as well;
Strengthening the Self-cultivation and Enhancing the Ideological and Political Quality of the Youth Cadres in College;
加强高校青年干部的自我修养 努力提高他们的思想政治素质
The Powerful Ideological Weapon for Curing Corruption Once and for All--Study Again Liu Shaoqi s Theories on Party Members Self-accomplishment;
Most of us fail in our efforts at self- improvement because our schemes are too ambitious.
The Personnel Training and Maintenance Thinking Transition of Vehicle Maintenance;
The person who does not now courtesy a self central person dislike it.
The Confucian,Taoist and Zen culture’s Self-awareness and the Psychological harmony;
On the Self-cultivation of the Teachers of "Two Classes" and the Cultivation of Its Students;
Being Aware of the Contradiction of Self-development and Speaking the Course About Self-cultivation of Ideology and Morality Well;
Confucian moral cultivation and Mao Ze-dong thought in self-criticism;
The practice and progress of self-directed learning of advanced studying doctors in neonatology
We do have trained people with political integrity and a good understanding of Marxism-Leninism.
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