Objective To study an image processing method that can detect nystagmus non-invasively and do vertigo judgement in real time and without damage.
Objective To investigate the mechanism of the electroacupuncture which is used to treat the cervicogenic vertigo caused by vertebro-arteiial cervical spondylosis by improving the vestibular dysfunction with the methods of the nystagmus elicited; audiometry and direct vestibular evoked potentials (VsEPs).
目的 采用眼震诱发反应、测听术和直接前庭诱发电位(VsEPs)技术,探讨电针改善前庭功能障碍,治疗椎动脉型颈椎病所致颈性眩晕的机理。
Fully automatic measurement of 3-dimensional eye movement with video-oculography;
Method:Electronystagmography(ENG) was used to examine 76 patients with diabetes mellitus and 60 heathy adults subjects.
Methods Electronystagmography (ENG) and vestibular-evoked myogenic potential(VEMP) were observed in 70 patients(139 ears) with AN, and compared with control group.
方法检测70例AN患者的眼震电图(electronystagmography,ENG)及前庭诱发肌源性电位(vestibular evoked myo-genic potential,VEMP),观察VEMP波形、潜伏期及振幅,并与对照组比较,分析前庭神经受损与AN患者听力损害程度、年龄及病程的关系。
VEMP applied with Electronystagmography(ENG) have important clinic signification to d.
Effects of hypoxic hypoxia on human vestibular nystagmus;
Methods:The VOG technique approach is considered to be more flexible than current electronystagmography(ENG).
目的:为了解在摄影眼震图( V O G) 中,年龄的增长对视动性眼震( O K N) 的影响。
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