Beginning with the origin of the concept of the validity,this paper divided the development of the validity theory into four phrases:the phrase of the origin of the concept of the validity,the phrase regarding the criterion-related validity and the content validity as the central role,the phrase regarding the construct validity as the central role,and the phrase of unitary concept of validity.
The pathogenesis of state medicine were disequilibrium, unnourishment, unsmooth as well as setting up the standard of therapeutic effect of state medicine.
Sample size estimation and equivalence margin in noninferiority and equivalence trials;
AIM: To explore the structure validity and criterion validity of defense style questionnaire (DSQ) .
目的 :考察防御方式问卷 (DSQ)的结构效度和效标效度 。
This paper addresses the present status of energy efficiency standards development, enforce- ment and monitoring in China.
Recall development of China s refrigeration and air-conditioning energy efficiency standards,Analyze the significance of establishing the energy efficiency standards and the various problems about current energy efficiency standards such as serious disharmonies and so on.
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