The realm of Li Keran s painting reflects as "realm of individual" , a kind of vast, imposing, lofty realm, which is in harmony with the national aesthetic emotion and reflecth the flavor of modern times and the passion of worldliness.
If composition teaching is understood from a cultural view, the youngsters growing up in the background of prosperous popular culture lack in the social environment of "wide-self" expression and how could they find a perfect method to express themselves with their "narrow-self"
从文化的角度来解读作文教学 ,在大众文化蓬勃发展背景下成长起来的青少年中 ,本身缺乏“大我”抒发的社会环境 ,那他们的“小我”表达如何才能寻找到合法存在的空间呢
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