Decentralized and unstructured peer-to-peer(P2P) networks have become the hotspots for Internet information retrieval and search systems,because they require neither any centralized directory nor any centralized management of overlay network topology and data placement.
Starting with the characteristic of uncontrollable discharge of electro.
从电解铝厂无组织排放源的特征和推荐公式计算误差的问题入手,根据电解铝厂厂房的实际配置和结构,充分考虑诸多条件下卫生防护距离的计算,并比较了各种方法的计算结果,确定了更符合实际卫生防护距离的方法,从而在一定程度上解决了因GB T13201-91给定的公式计算结果偏大给电解铝厂的选址带来的困难。
Research on monitoring fluoride of in-organizing emitting in electrolyzing aluminum industry;
It was preliminarily introduced that the method of monitoring the fluoride of in-organizing emitting was applied into electrolyzing aluminum industry by means of the contrast and double film fluoride samples being collected with glass fiber filtration film and acetate-nitric fiber filtration film.
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