The projection from the nucleus in the parenchyma of the pineal gland to the habenula nucleus in the golden hamsters;
The complementarity of frequency and projection in L2 acquisition;
Events of someone going to and fro projected on to Chinese language and then the format of "V lai V qu" ("V来V去") came into being.
Semi-projective and Objective: Two New Forms of Motivation Tests;
In this paper, we characterize the projectivity of A as a left A H module and give some easier checking sufficient conditions that A H A is projective, where A H is the subalgebra of H invariants of A .
本文刻画了AHA的投射性并给出了AHA是投射的若干充分条件,其中AH 是A的H-不变子代数。
This mapping is non-arbitrary, but subject to certain categories.
An accelerating ray casting algorithm based on discarded sampling;
Adaptive improved-intersecting ray casting algorithm;
The Study and Implementation of Ray Casting Volume Rendering Technique for Medical Image Visualization;
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