Objective To evaluate therapeutic effect of phacoemulsification and IOL implantation on cataract with small pupil resulted from uveitis.
目的 评价超声乳化人工晶状体植入治疗伴有小瞳孔缩小及虹膜后粘连的并发白内障的临床疗效。
Scotopic pupil size in patients at pre-LASIK and post-LASIK;
Effect of Penehyclidine Hydrochloride on Intraocular Pressure and Pupil Size During Goeneral Anesthesia;
Observation of the Apoptosis of Rabbit s Retinal Cells Induced by Transpupillary Thermotherapy;
After instillation of tropicamide 10g/L,pupil size at different time points was measured and the time to reach a pupil diameter of 6mm was recorded before surgery and at 1 month after surgery.
Pupil size,anterior chamber depth and posterior corneal surface altitude were measured with Orbcan-Ⅱanterior segment analyzer before and 1 day and 1 month after LASIK.
目的探讨准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(laser in situ keratom ileusis,LASIK)对瞳孔大小及前房深度的影响。
Postoperative Prognosis Analysis of Patients with Mydriasis Caused by Craniocerebral Trauma;
AIM: To determine the effect of 10g/L cyclopentolate hydrochloride on cycloplegia and mydriasis.
Objective To exploring the way to improve survival rate, we sum up and study the composite treatment method of 141 cases of bilateral mydriasis after severe cerebral injury.
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