Benefit of bilateral cochlear implantation on congenital prelingually deafened Chinese-speaking children;
This paper addresses the binaural sound which can provide three dimensional auditory cue and enhance the sense of immersion in virtual environment.
The fundamental aspects of binaural technology are discussed,including the choice of recording points,the equalization of transmission chain and the influence of individual differences on the performance of systems.
In dichotic listening,left-and right-handers undertook the category classify task on concrete nouns(animals,objects,body parts) of Chinese single characters to examine the cerebral functional lateralization and integration for semantic processing of auditory words in different handers.
In dichotic listening, a right ear advantage reflects left hemisphere specialization, and a left ear advantage reflects right hemisphere specialization.
采用双耳分听的任务探讨了汉语普通话声调加工的右耳优势问题 ,并引进反应手的因素 ,探讨了汉语声调加工的右耳优势的机制。
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