The courtship song of Mediterranean fruit fly is pulse train;single train duration is 0.
9 ms,基频约为366 Hz;而其求爱歌由脉冲串组成,每个脉冲串大约持续0。
This study points out that there are five basic courting strategies in English love poems, which are compliment, temptation, threatening, begging for pity and vow making.
文章从英国爱情诗里总结出五种基本求爱策略 :赞美、利诱、恐吓、乞怜和盟誓 ,并指出这些策略分别利用了人类天性中的五种基本要素 :骄傲、利禄心、恐惧、怜悯和占有欲。
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