Binary regression analgsis has been made with the samples,thus establishing a mathematical model of hereditany regression between the height of the filial generation and that of the parental generation for the Tujia Nationality in the western Hubei and Hunan provinces.
采取随机抽样的方法 ,调查了湘鄂西土家族 490个样本的身高资料 ,对其遗传关系进行了初步探讨 ,应用样本作了二元回归分析 ,并建立了湘、鄂西土家族男、女子代身高与亲代身高遗传回归的数学模型。
A review of parental care in fishes;
The researches prove that the parental imprinting is a special post-modification mechanism,and methyation is the most possible mechanism of imprinting modification.
亲代印迹是指来自于父母双方的同源染色体或等位基因 ,在功能上存在差异 ,当其传给子代时 ,基因表达活性不同。
he DNA fingerprinting and its application to parentage test was reviewed in this paper.
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