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今天是:2025年3月9日 星期日

strike valley是什么意思



1)strike valley,走向谷2)The valley has a northeast trend.,这山谷东北走向。3)strike,走向4)trend,走向5)orientation,走向6)Tendency,走向


    The goaf gas drainage is carried out by drilling holes with strike and middle-high-order at the π type caving coal face in the inflammable and high coal seam.


    It is one of the most common ways to study and illustate seam pattern and its space position that knowing about seam strike and dip angle according to the three*.

    根据 3点 (3个钻孔 )的坐标值来确定矿层的走向和倾角 ,是研究并阐明矿层形态及空间位置最常用的方法之一 。

    In this paper,the clastic model is used to study the reason of the large determinate error of the horizontal displacement on strike section in mining subsidence By correcting the traditional theoretical model,the new horizontal displacement law on strike section and the conclusion that the influence propagationangle on strike direction is unusually 90°are obtained.


    Construction of a society of overall well-being and development trend of Chinese medical and health care;


    Determination of Highway Arterial Trend in Highway Network Planning Area;


    Trend of Chinese Agricultural Policy in New Era;


    Chen et al deemed that for an image subblock with a single straight edge, the corresponding DCT (discrete cosine transform) coefficient energy compaction orientation and the spatial edge orientation were perpendicular to each other [2].


    Meanwhile, the sufficient and necessary condition for the orientation of an arbitrary simple polygon is given.


    The unbalance financial distribution implies the overall orientation of the governments.


    Development and Tendency of Quality Breeding under New Situation of Commercial Maize Breeding;


    The Present Situation and the Coming Tendency of Agricultural Economical Structure in 3 Regions of China;


    Development Tendency of Public English Teaching;


    A strike-valley sand is deposited in the drainage course of a subsequent stream valley.


    These tributaries are subsequent streams which erode strike valley.


    Such sandstones should have similar angular relations to the strike valleys.


    Going Out of Valley On the Way to Rising --Chinese developing vigorously and perplexing;

    走出谷地 走向崛起——中国的振兴与困扰

    " I decided that instead of continuing forward-- east-- I'd cross the ravine and head up to a saddle to the south.


    He had been making north by east, away from the Dease Divide and into the Coppermine Valley.


    A person standing at the bottom of a valley, no matter which direction he chooses, he could only go higher.


    Down in the valley, valley so low,


    He went boldly in, thinking that the passage would open out into a sunny glen on the other side of the mountain.


    Developing orientation of China s metallic mines to get rid of their difficulties;


    These two geological bodies contact along the trend of valley, where you can see the granite is intruded into the sedimentary rocks.


    To blow(chaff)off or away.


    Bottom out (of a recession)


    IN THIS PART OF THE ALPS, the valleys run north and south between towering ranges of mountains.


    He hid himself in the caverns of the Joug-de-l'Aigle, and thence he descended towards the hamlets and villages through the ravines of Ubaye and Ubayette.


    Happiness is U-shaped, for we are happier at the start and end of our lives but hit a slump when we are middle-aged, British and US researchers say.


    The world historic theory and "span the karfuting canyon of capitalism" --the case analysis of Eastern society towards the way of world history


    The turkey struts about (the barnyard).

    火鸡翘起尾羽 (在谷仓附近) 走来走去。