(Ti,Y)-Aeschynite is an end-member mineral of the (Y)-aeschynite group, occurring in the Zhudong muscovite granite of Longnan county, Jiangxi province, China.
The aeschynite-group minerals occurring in an aegirine-fluorite-dolomite-aeschynite vein in the Bayan Obo Nb-RE-Fe deposit show complex compositional zoning in BSE images.
白云鄂博Nb RE Fe矿床中,产于霓石 萤石 白云石 易解石脉中的易解石族矿物,在背散射电子图象中显示复杂带状结构特征。
The Yz jie 易解, Interpretation of the Yi (Book of Changes) was completed by WANG An-shi in 1035-1036 during the reign of Emperor Ren zong of Song.
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