An Invertigation on Macro fungi in Hubei Province ——A list of Ascomycotina fungi;
They belong to Ascomycotina and Basidiomycotina.
已公开发表的有 114 1株 ,主要属于担子菌亚门和子囊菌亚门。
Since 1988,the author has collected 260 specimens from Zijin mountain,which were identified and respectively classified to ascomycotina which has 6 genera and 6 speci.
从1988 年起, 作者从紫金山陆续采集到260 号标本, 经鉴定分类, 其中属于子囊菌亚门的有6 个属6 个种; 担子菌亚门的有61个属144 个种; 有61 个种在江苏省首次发现。
An Investigation on Macro-fungi in Hubei Province ——A list of Basidiomycotina fungi(Ⅱ);
An Investigation on Macro-fungi in Hubei Province --A list of Basidiomycotina Fungi;
The mass of edible and medicinal fungi are large funguses of Basidiomycotina.
食、药用菌的绝大多数种类为担子菌亚门大型真菌 ,我们收集保藏的担子菌亚门的食、药用菌 180 0多种 ,其中已公开发表的有 58属 113种 1118
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