A computer control system that can automatically regulate temperature and water level in a washing tank in minced fish processing is described.
The choice of scheme, manufacturing process and service condition of pickling galvanized chemical treating spouts consisting of precleaning spout, pickling spout and poaching spout have been analyzed, and it shows that the spouts fulfill requirements for mounting and using, which provides fine base for further processing products made by Hangang .
对酸洗镀锌化学处理槽 (预清洗槽、酸洗槽、漂洗槽 )的制造方案、制造工艺 ,安装使用效果做了分析 ,该槽满足了安装生产使用要求 ,为产品的进一步深加工奠定了良好的基
Frequency of bottom of ultrasonic cleaning basin;
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