An area of endemism in the southern T.
在对西藏南部及其邻近地区沫蝉总科 (半翅目 )昆虫区系开展分类鉴定及分布资料整理的基础上 ,根据特有种及部分单系群的分布 ,提出了西藏南部及其邻近地区的一个特有生物地理分布区 ,该特有分布区包括西藏南部(日喀则、贡嘎、吉隆、聂拉木、亚东、错那 )及东南部 (墨脱、林芝、波密、察隅 )、云南西部、中部及北部 (保山、昆明一带以北 )、四川南部及西南部、印度东北部 (阿萨姆、大吉岭、西隆等 )、尼泊尔、锡金及缅甸北部。
Research on the biological characteristics and conservation biology of Apterosperma oblate,an endemic and rare plant from Theacea;
The endemic species and distribution in Xinjiang;
The present paper deals with the species diversity,the diversity of life forms,the patterns of spatial distribution,ecological and geographical characteristics of the Chinese endemic species of the tracheophyta in Shandong provinceSome pratical counter measures for conservation and sustained development of the biodiversity of the endemic species are presente
论述了维管植物特有种的物种组成多样性、生活型多样性和空间分布格局多样性及其生态地理特征和区系特征 ,并对特有种的生物多样性保护与持续发展提出了切实可行的对
The results are as follows:(1)There are 42 endemic species in 37 genera of 25 families;(2)64% of them are herbs(mostly being Perennial).
The garden application and protection of endemic plant in Hunan;
The endangered causes and protecting strategies for Dayaoshania cotinifolia,a endemic plant in Guangxi;
Pollen morphology of 12 endemic plants in Alaskan desert was examined and described comprehensively under Scanning Electronic Microscope(SEM).
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