Multi-channel stereo display for manual control rendezvous simulation;
The comparison of target-controlled infusion and manual-controlled infusion of propofol for general anesthesia of patients under fibrobronchoscopy;
Design of HC01 typed hand controller of universal telerobot;
A new 6-DOF universal heterogeneous hand controller was proposed.
The article puts the deveolped model into practice and discusses the kinematic and dynamic of 6 DOF master arm that has a real value in practice.
对刚性、串联、开环的机器人进行了动力学分析 ,建立了一般机器人的拉格朗日动力学模型 ,推导了拉格朗日方程两边的计算过程 ,编制了自动建立多自由度机器人动力学模型的计算机程序 ,并与实际相结合 ,分析了所研制的六自由度手控器的运动学动力学问题 ,为手控器的研制提供了理论依
So far, a variety of master arm designs have been developed for teleoperation, but the eva.
手控器是主从遥操作系统的关键设备 ,它不仅是从机械手进行实时运动控制的输入设备 ,而且是将从机械手与未知环境之间的相互作用力提供给操作者的力觉遥现装置 ,是人与机器人之间建立紧密动态耦合的重要接口 。
The system which based on the microcontroller for real-time detecting of the master arm condition is described.
介绍了以单片机为核心的机器人手控器状态实时检测系统 ,详细讨论了手控器状态检测的基本原理 ,给出了算法及程序流程图。
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