The Behavioral Ecology analysis and econometric tests of the influencing factors show that R&D invest level of government and district FDI level are the major environment factors, and it also shows that per capital GDP may not increase district innovation level.
对这一特征成因的行为生态学分析和基于panel-data的实证研究结果显示 ,政府R&D投入水平和区域FDI规模等生境因素是中国创新产出空间分布特征的重要影响因素 ,而人均GDP水平对创新产出的作用并不显
Road and road construction effects on habitat use of small mammals and birds in Zoige alpine wetland;
Effect and the acting mechanisms of the habitats and vegetational diversity on arthropod community in agroecosystem;
Study on the insect fauna of six different habitats with Malaise traps;
Study on the content of syringin and total flavonoids of different parts of Acanthopanax senticosus in three different habitats;
Relationships between communities of acaroid mite and habitats in Huainan area;
Relation between seed production and habitats of Epimedium brevicornum;
The Relationship between microstructure of reed s leaves and Ecological environment of Zhalong Wetland;
The paper discusses the feasibility of key technology on the park construction based on its geography,location and ecological environment
Effects of Environment on Seed Yield of Zoysiagrass(Zoysia japonica);
Results:The average rodents density of different environment was 23 07%.
目的 :摸清城区不同生境鼠类侵害现状 ,为有目的地降低鼠密度提供科学依据。
The transgenic Bt cotton fields of two control Helicoverpa armigera measures and its circumjacent environment in Nanpi county,Hebei province were studied The results showed that there were 4 peak periods of Lygus lucorum adults,and 3 peak periods of Lygus lucorum nympha during the whole transgenic Bt cotton growth season.
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