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1)forewing,前翅2)beetle fore wing,甲虫前翅3)black spot of fore wings in male,雄虫前翅黑斑4)right forewing area,右翅前翅面积


    In order to develop the light-weight biomimetics composite structures, two kinds of beetle fore wings beetles, Allomyrina dichotoma and Prosopocoilus inclinatus, were selected as the biomimetics objectives.

    为了设计开发轻量型仿生复合材料 ,选择了独角仙和锹形虫两种甲虫前翅为仿生对象 ,用电子显微镜观察了这两种甲虫前翅结构上的异同 ,考察了甲虫前翅中的优化设计思路。

    The results showed : There existed significant differences(P<0 05)among adult workers of 4 lines in tongue length and right forewing area.

    结果表明意大利蜜蜂 4品系成年工蜂吻长及右翅前翅面积上均存在显著差异 (P <0 0 5 ) ,其中澳意工蜂吻最长 ( EO=6 74 7± 0 0 0 11mm) ,本意工蜂吻最短 ( Es=6 5 5 6± 0 0 0 10mm) ;平湖浆蜂工蜂的右翅前翅面积最大( EP=15 84 6 7± 0 0 0 0 9mm2 ) ,本意工蜂的右翅前翅面积最小 ( Es=14 7134± 0 0 0 0 2mm2 )。