In this area, there are both potassic (dominant) and sodic volcanic rocks (secondary); and there are also eruptive lavas (dominant), and some subvolc.
本区既有富钾质的 (主导 ) ,也有富钠质的火山岩 (次要 ) ;既有喷发熔岩流 (主导 ) ,也有一些浅源上侵的次火山岩体 ;火山活动发育在古近纪、新近纪与第四纪 ,而最强烈的发生在中新世期间。
It was found that the adsorptive velocity of Na group bentonite is faster than Ca group bentonite.
结果表明,20℃ 时钠质膨润土的吸附速率要快于钙质膨润土,各型膨润土的吸附行为符合Langmuir方程,钠质膨润土的饱和吸附量qm为86。
Petrology,geochemistry and genesis of the Na-rich volcanic rocks of the Kalatag area,eastern Tianshan.;
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