At all times is basically consistent the explaining of the chapter that "shen zhong zhui yuan",the explaining of "shen zhong"is to make funeral arrangement sadly and formally,the explaining of "zhui yuan"is to do fete respectfully and cordially,the explaining of "min de gui hou"is that the people s moral has been meliorated under the monarch s "shen zhong zhui yuan".
Carrying on the policy of "rule by morality", not only require government officials of all levels have official morality, but also require civil citizens have civil morality.
实行“以德治国” ,不仅包括对党的各级领导干部和国家机构公职人员的“官德”要求 ,还包括对普通公民的“民德”要求。
The good civic virtue is one of the important conditions which guarantee the operation of democratic system and is also the direct purpose of civil education.
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