It consists of spessartine,almandinic-spessarti- nic garnet,rhodonite,tephroite,helvite,alabandine,Mn-bearing salite,Mn-richhedenbergite,Mn-rich phlogopite and rhodochrosite and spacio-temporally de-velops together with the greisenization and relevant mineralizations aftercalcic skarnization and retrograde alterafion.
Mn-augite and tephroite are discovered in partial space of connecting with pyrophyllite, which gives a revelution to synthesize diamond procedure with nonmetalic catalyzer.
此外 ,在与叶腊石接触的局域空间 ,发现了新的特殊产物锰铝榴石、锰辉石和锰橄榄石 ,为人造金刚石用非金属催化剂的合成工艺提供了启示。
A discussion on the low-Ca olivine phenocrysts in Middle Devonian picritic lavas on the southern margin of the Altay Mountains;
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