the calculation methods are summarized and a temporal vary analysis method is recommended.
Daily flow hydrograph simulation using regional flow duration curves for ungauged region of Dongjiang basin;
Adopting synthetic duration curve method and based on the hydrological data of Year 1981-2002, the design water level of part hydrographic stations at the middle and lower reach of the Yangtze River at different guaranteed rates were calculated.
By these indicators LDCs,the water quality of Erhai Mijuhe river watershed influences on the use of itself and on Erhai lake of Mijuhe river s downstream are respectively analysed.
Load duration curve method is firstly adopted for analyzing many hydrology stations of Gan river Basin since 2001 to 2004(select one of hydrology stations as an example)in this paper,gaining very valuable data which are relation to many pollutants of controlling monitored section total loading and assimilating capacity,providing scientific reliance for reducing pollutants.
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