Effect of molecular deposition film oil displacement agent on the wettability of reservoir minerals;
Enhance viscosity reduction of heavy oil by using reservoir minerals and chemical agents in aquathermolysis;
Reservoir minerals can catalyze the aquathermolysis of heavy oil,the reduction rate was doubled by the action of reservoir minerals.
By the laboratory experiment on breeding plant and analyzing the effect of the gas that the underground mineral resources disperse on the growth of the plantation on the earth surface,the new element affecting the earth surface plantation has been found.
通过实验室植株培育对照实验 ,发现地下生物性矿藏疏散的气体 (主要是HxC化合物 )对地表植物生长有非常大的影响 ,找到了影响地表植被生长的新因素 ,提出土地砂化及沙漠的形成与地下矿藏的种类有直接关系的观点。
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