The k-ε two-equation and SIMPLE calculation methods were adopted to calculate the flow field of 190kA prebaked anode aluminum reduction cells under ideal condition, anode change (AC), different metal height, bottom ridge and anode spikes.
采用k-ε二方程法和SIMPLE算法对190 kA大型预焙阳极铝电解槽分别在槽况较为理想、更换阳极、炉底存在结壳、不同铝水平以及阳极长包情况下的铝液流速场进行了三维计算。
Optimization control of cut depth in the mining of ocean cobalt-rich crusts based on GA;
Study on multilevel model of optimized cut depth in real-time mining of ocean cobalt-rich crusts;
Astudy on the physical properties of Cobalt-Rich crusts on the seafloor;
A Method of Design and Realization about a Test System of Deep-sea Cobalt Crust Cutting Head;
Sea floor cobalt crust is rich in such metals as Mn, Co and Ni, and has been one of recently exploited and investigeted mineral resources.
海底钴结壳富含锰、钴和镍等金属 ,是人类近期勘探和开采研究的热点之一。
Based on the experience on mining deep sea manganese nodule and the new research achievements of rich cobalt crust, the authors developed a mining scenario for deep sea rich cobalt crust with drum type collecting head.
从国内外深海开采锰结核的经验出发 ,通过分析比较钴结壳最新研究成果 ,提出了深海开采富钴结壳采掘机器人滚筒式采矿头的方案 ;通过对其切削破碎钴结壳载荷波动性的分析 ,建立了其载荷波动的数学模型 ,编制了模拟计算采集头载荷及其波动性指标的计算机程序 ,并对设计的深海钴结壳采集头理论模型的载荷特性进行了模拟和分析 ,为设计和优化深海钴结壳采掘机器人滚筒式采集头提供了设计依
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