In this paper we consider a kind of the inverse shortest paths problem in which we want to adjust the given weights of arcs as less as possible so that a set of given paths become shortest ones from their sources to sinks,under an additional requirement that the weights of all arcs initiated from the same node must be adjusted by the same amount.
考虑了一类变形的反最短路问题 ,即在一种点调整约束的条件下 ,如何对网络的权向量进行尽可能少的调整 ,使得给定的路变为最短线路。
A strongly polynominal algorithm for the inverse shortest paths problem (ISP) is provided which was considered by D.
该算法将反最短线路问题转化为一种多物资循环流问题 ,因此可以用Tardos方法来解这类问
Traditionally,Dijkstra method is generally used to solve the shortest circuit problem in circuit teaching.
This paper presents a solution to the problem of the shortest linear recurrence of two sequences over an integral domain and describes the recurrence of the minimal polynomial.
本文解决了整环上两条序列的最短线性递归问题 ,并给出了递归极小多项式的方法。
Based on the definition of the confidence interval, using the methed of numerical calculation, the minimum length of confidence interval for the variance of the normal distribution are found.
Briefly on the shortest path algorithm in the urban road network;
The Realization of Shortest Path Algorithm in Traffic System;
Study on the multi-modal shortest path in time-varying network;
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