Through the discussion of the usage of jian ci "zhu",the paper proposes that jian ci is a type of empty word in ancient Chinese language.
The unique contribution of Sun Simiao to the understanding and treatment of wind diseases can be known by classifying and analyzing various wind diseases discussed in the Chapter of Various Wind Diseases of Valuable Prescriptions for Emergency.
通过对《备急千金要方·诸风》篇中诸病的统计和分析 ,可知孙思邈在风病的认识和治疗上有着独到的贡献。
For its unique location advantage,landscape resource and transportation organization,Zhucheng dongguan street can be the most suitable new axis.
Exploration on Urban Forestry Establishment in Zhuji, Zhejiang Province;
It was the main characteristic of society in Shang Dynasty that people worshipped ghosts,trusted in gods,and engaged in superstition activities such as witchery and augury.
Mode of the relationship between monarch and subject by the scholars of Pre-Qin Days;
The humanist spirit observed in their thoughts has become the main content of humainsm in ancient China, which had been agreed upon by many scholars.
先秦是中国古代文化发展史上的第一个黄金时期 ,从西周“礼乐文化”的兴盛 ,到春秋战国诸子百家的兴起 ,其思想闪耀着几千年的历史光辉 ,尤其是其中所蕴涵的人文精神 ,已经成为中国古代“人文主义”的主要内容 ,这已为大多数学者所认同。
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