Experimental research on compressing 7075 Al alloy ring under hydrostatic pressure;
Analysis of ultimate inner pressure of rings with different tensile and compressive strengths and their application to strength measurements;
The FEM Simulation of Ring Upsetting Process;
With the use of a linear constitutive relation for a transversely isotropic piezoelectric hollow cylinder poled in the radial direction,this paper gives a general solution for the problem in which the displacement and electric potential boundary conditions are properly defined.
This paper provides with a general solution for a hollow cylinder made of a transversely isotropic and functionally graded piezoelectric material, polarized in the radial direction.
The induced electric field of low frequency time-harmonic curren-carrying annulus and the infinite sloenoid;
A class of Toeplitz operators on Dirichlet spaces of annulus;
Dirichlet Space on Annulus and Its Operators;
The equilibrium of circular are bars and the stability of circular rings have been analyzed as examples.
Simplifying the floatation ring which is one of very important components of the deep-water anti-storm wave cages into a flexible ring, we obtain the nonlinear governing equations of the out-of-plane motion and deformation of a circular ring based on the fluid-structure interaction theory.
The analytical result of Fraunhofer-Diffraction of the circular ring is known but that of the similar circular ring isn t.
圆环夫琅和费衍射已有精确解 ,更一般的类圆环夫琅和费衍射精确解未见报道。
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