The quadratic residue theory was used for selecting randomly the embedding positions,and an extended coding scheme is utilizing for dynamically hiding secret messages.
In this text,let C be graded coalgebra,the author discusses that D is the graded subcoalgebra of C if only if that D~┴ is the graded ideal of R;D is the graded subcoideal of C if only if that D~┴ is the graded subcoalgebra of R;D is the graded right(left) coideal of C if only if that ~┴ is the graded right(left) ieal of R.
The asymptotic properties of the m-power residues numbers were studied.
Hence,an improved scheme based on square root modulo composites is proposed and the security drawback in W·Z·L scheme is overcome.
In this text,let C be graded coalgebra,the author discusses that D is the graded subcoalgebra of C if only if that D~┴ is the graded ideal of R;D is the graded subcoideal of C if only if that D~┴ is the graded subcoalgebra of R;D is the graded right(left) coideal of C if only if that ~┴ is the graded right(left) ieal of R.
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