This parer proved that for the ring R with n left(right) zero divisors, if |R|=n 22 ,then n=2 s+1 (n∈N),|R|=2 2s+1 and the character of R could only be 2,4 or 8;and if R is the commutative ring whose character is 2, then R could only be the 8 element ring with 4 zero divisors.
That every octaven is similar with a complex number and that every polynomial with a positive degree over Cayley algebra has at least one right nullpoint in Cayley algebra are proved in the paper.
In this paper a new concept called normal base of right null space for rational matrix is introduced.
In this dissertation, we characterize the Hamilton semigroup;be-sides ,we give a characterization of endomorphism semigroup and semi-direct product of Hamilton semigroup;finally,we give a definition andcharacterization of automorphism group and strong right zero band ofHamilton semigroup.
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