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function continuous on the right是什么意思



1)function continuous on the right,右连续函数2)right hand continuons function,右连续函数3)right continuous,右连续4)Connectionleft and night,左右连通5)right continuous ring,右连续环6)right continuity,右连性7)Right continuity,紧右连续8)right continuity,右连续性9)Quasi-continuous to theright,拟右连续10)continuity on the right,右连续性


    This paper gives the definition of one parameter stopping time σ field F T+ and discusses some features of F T+ only under the condition of leaving out one parameter σ fied (F t) t∈R+ right continuity.

    给出了单指标停时 σ-域 FT+ 的定义 ,讨论了 FT+ 的一些性质 ,在去掉 σ-域 ( Ft) t∈ R+ 右连性的条件下 ,得到了单指标右连鞅 (上鞅、下鞅 )的加强形式的 Doob停止定理及可料停止定