They are finite point method and partition of unity method.
In this papar, we study the relations among some geometric metris for finite point sets in space with constant curvature by theory and method of distance geometry.
Comparing with the numerical methods based on mesh,such as finite element method and boundary element method,the finite point method only uses scattered nodes without having to mesh the domain of the problem when the shape function is.
In this paper, the finite point method is used to obtain the solution of a one-dimensional inverse heat conduction problem with a source parameter, and the corresponding discrete equations are obtained.
In this paper, we obtain two geometric inequalities on finite points on a sphere.
In FPGEM the nodes(finite points) and grids perform different functions in numerical simulation: the finite points approach the physical field with a multi-scale solution,and the grids describe the distribution of media para.
为了对不均匀介质中物理场进行更有效的多尺度模拟,提出一种称为有限点集-网格元法的数值方法(finite point-grid element method,FPGEM)。
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