The relations of integrable uniformly absolutely antinuous function sequences,uniformly conve -rgent function sequences and uniformly integrable function sequences are studied.
The nonstandard characterization of uniformly integrable functions;
For weighted sums of the form k nj=1a nj d jX,where{a nj ,1≤j≤k n↑∞} is a real constants array and {d nX,n≥1} is martingale difference series,we establish the relationship between the convergence and the p\|smoothable Banach space under the condition of {a nj }\|uniform integrability,andwe get the strong law of large numbers for weighted sums of martigale difference series.
对形如 knj=1anjdj X的加权和 ,其中 { dn X ,n≥ 1}为 B值鞅差序列 ,{ anj}为实值常数阵列 ,在{‖ dj X‖ p关于 { | anj| p }一致可积的条件下建立鞅差序列加权和的收敛性与 Banach空间 p光滑性的关系 ,并给出p光滑 Banach空间中鞅差序列加权和的强大数定
On this basis the necessary and sufficient conditions to the uniform integrability of sequences of fuzzy valued functions were given,and the implication relations between uniform integrability of sequences of fuzzy valued functions and the uniformly boundedness of the their fuzzy valued integrals were studied.
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