By sending the file information through HTML form, the Action on the server side extract the file from multipart stream and store it into the database.
In this solution, the file information is sent in the browser side via filling of HTML form, and extracted from multipart stream in the server side, and stored as binary stream into the BLOB field of database.
A new complete disjunctive normal form, which is in the sense of equivalence, to an extension system of medium logical proposition calculus MP is defined and the theorem of its existence and uniqueness is established and proved.
The definition of complete f-disjunctive and quasi-complete f-disjunctive languages are presented and their algebric characterestics are also discusse
Job Shop Scheduling Project with Process Relativity And its Disjunctive Graph Modeling;
考虑工序相关性的Job Shop调度问题及其析取图模型
This paper analyses the critical jobs and the critical path of the disjunctive graph.
Data warehouses are widely used in retail trade, finance and insurance; that produce many ways of data extraction.
0 s DTS program interface, and accomplishes the data extraction from all kinds of OLTP database systems to the data warehouse with the tool.
针对数据仓库中的数据析取问题 ,以通用性为目标 ,分析、设计并利用MicrosoftSQLServer 7。
This paper defines the concept of data extraction on the base of analyzing the structure of data warehouses and study data extraction processes, classify it into six types.
对数据仓库体系结构进行分析的基础上给出了数据析取的定义 ,并对数据析取过程进行分类研究 ,分别对这几类数据析取过程进行了分析和描述 ,由此对数据析取工具进行总体设计。
Proceeding with both-branch proposition,the paper provides the characteristics of both-branch fuzzy logic and both-branch fuzzy logic expressions,Disjunctive Normal Form and Conjunctive Normal Form of both-branch fuzzy logic expressions.
In this paper, through the use of the disjunctive normal form and the principal disjunctive normal form, we propose some general algorithms concerning the grand minimal dominant set, the minimum dominant set, the minimal edge dominant set, and the minimum edge dominant set of graphs.
In this paper, we make use of disjunctive normal form and prinpical disjunctive normal form to give some methods of independent set and maximal independent set,as well as a general algorithm.
给出了利用命题逻辑公式的析取范式和主析取范式求图的独立集和极大独立集的方法 ,并给出了一般算法 。
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