The continuity and differentiability properties of quasi convex functions are discussed,and the specific properties of one real variable of the functions are also given.
The continuity and differentiability for composite function are the important content in advanced mathematics.
Then the paper further gives the definition of the differentiability and its proof when n≥3,the function Z= f(x_1,x_2,……,x_n)is at M.
给出了Henle定理的简单证明 ,并指出该定理n≥ 3时不真 ,进而又给出了一个当n≥ 3时 ,函数z=f(x1,x2 ,… ,xn)在点M0 可微的定理及其证明。
Another Two Forms of Necessary and Sufficient Condition of Differentiable Complex Function;
The paper introduces a kind of differentiable fractal interpolation function,discusses its generating mechanismas well as the sufficient condition that generates its IFS.
This paper studied a class of multiobjective programing problems involving differentiable n-set functions,and obtained sufficient optimality conditions for weak efficient solutions under generalized convexity conditions.
在较弱凸性条件下 ,研究了一类可微 n-集函数多目标规划问题的可行解是弱有效解的最优性充分条件。
in this paper, the author proves some equivalent forms of convex function definition, summarizes continuous and differential properties of convex function, obtains some useful results in mathematical programming, and verifies proposition 3.
Furthermore,we obtain a sufficient and necessary condition about continuity of functional series and integral with parameter,and show the sufficient condition about differential.
将数学分析中一致收敛性的概念加以推广 ,分别对函数项级数和含参量积分引入次一致收敛的概念 ,证明了函数项级数、含参量非正常积分连续性的充要条件和可微性的充分条件 ,推广了数学分析中的相应结
This paper discusses the existence of partial derivative of x(or y) about a point (X_0, y_0) and analyzes conditions of continuance of X_0(or y_0) about function of y_1(or X_1)--f(x, y,) (or f(x, y) ), and puts forward a conditioned theorem, by which differential sufficient condition of a binary function can be demonstrated.
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