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minimal degree是什么意思



1)minimal degree,极小度2)minimum concentration,极小浓度3)minimum density,极小密度4)the minimal martingale measure,极小鞅测度5)temperature minimum region,温度极小区6)Intensity minimum,灰度极小值


    Using the dynamic programming approach,the minimal entropy martingale measure is constructed by the utility indifference pricing,the minimal martingale measure and the variance-optimal martingale measures are given.


    The explicit expressions of some special equivalent martingale measure are given,such as the minimal entropy martingale measure,the minimal reverse relative entropy martingale measure,the variance-optimal martingale measure and the minimal martingale measure.


    It is now widely accepted that K 1 is formed in the temperature minimum region (TMR) and that the distance of the component K 1 from the line center and the intensity of K 1 is well related to the position and temperature of TMR, respectively.

    以往对K 线的研究表明:K1 形成于温度极小区(TMR) ,K1 到线心的距离以及K1 的强度分别与温度极小区的位置和温度密切相关。