We investigate the commutator subgroup of a convergence group,and obtain the relationship between the elementariness of a convergence group and the cardinal number of the fixed point set of its commutator subgroup.
讨论了收敛群的换位子群 ,建立了收敛群的初等性与它的换位子群的不动点集的基数之间的联系 。
Denote by G the commutator subgroup of G .
On the basis of giving the generators of special linear group SL(n,Zpr),we get the commutator subgroup of GL(n,Zm),by using the Euler′s theorem and the method created by Professor Loo Keng Hua when he investigated the general linear group over division ring.
In this paper we discusses the concept of weak commutator subgroup, consider the fundamental properties of weak commutator subgroup, and get the result which weak commutator subgroup is exactly the minimal normal subgroup of normal subgroups with their quotients being nilpotent groups, and so on.
We obtain a few of properties from definition of n-metacyclic commutative subgroup.
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