In order to understand the dynamical property, we apply the perturbation theory to solve the Floquet function and obtain the analytical solution of quasi-energy.
应用微扰理论求解Floquet方程 ,从而得到准能的解析解 。
The calculation shows that the quasi-energy levels versus the amplitude of external field can develop into a series of resonance point.
Applying AC electric field to the system,the calculation shows that the quasi-energy levels versus the amplitude of external field undergo a series of exact-crossing and avoid-crossing.
数值计算表明 ,系统准能随交变电场振幅的变化会出现一系列严格交叉和回避交叉 。
It is found that the quasienergy have some avoided crossings.
利用二能级理论分析了这个量子系 统中激子的局域化现象,分析发现:激子的动力学行为主要发生在低能级子空间,它们构成了系统的两个局域 态;当场强和频率是Bessel方程的根时,准能发生回避交叉,局域化现象发生,电子和空穴局域在初始状态, 状态不随时间变化。
Formulation of professional standards and promotion of curriculum system reform of estate management;
Training the Qualified Personnelby the Standard of Vocational Skill;
Construct Training System,Define Training Standard, Intensify Training and Enhance Skills--On the Training Project for Students Post Skill;
构建体系 明确标准 加强训练 提高技能——高职学生岗位技能的培养探索
The Study of Post Safety andOccupational Health Standardized Production
Retirement Age of Women Workers:Take the Incumbent Post as the Standard
Discussion on Merits and Demerits of Skill Wages and Benefit Wages of Post
Discussion on the Good and Bad of Job Skills Wages and Job Performance Wages;
Overview of the Skill Salary and Performance Salary System of Enterprise;
"Post description and requirements should be made public, two-way selection adopted, and competition among employees encouraged with income related to their skills, service and contribution."
Practice and Experience of Emergency Skills Training
Using Duty Skill Training to Improve Nursing Quality
通过岗位技能训练 提高护理质量
The Orientation of Proposed Criterion of Athletics Skills for "2+1 Project of Sports &Arts";
Inspiration From Standardizing the Post Criteria;
Raising Standards of Continuing Education and Establishing a Scientific Job-related Training System for Clinical Laboratory Personnel
提升继续教育标准 建立科学的检验人员岗位培训体系
Problems and measures of teaching material on technical ability training of position in national enterprise;
Exploration of Chemistry Techniques Teaching and Evaluation Methods Based on the Requirements of Positions
Practice and Experience in Duty Training in Hospital
Application of the Post-experiencing Teaching Mode of Military Skill Courses
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