Seco-iridoids and fragrant constituents,such as linalool,benzyl alcohol and their esters are major princi-ples of Jasminum sambac,which has been found to possess pharmacological effects such as sedation,hypnogenesis and anti-bacterial activities.
A comparison study of constituents of the absolute extracted from flower of Jasminum sambac by supercritical CO 2 and petroleum ether was made using GC and GC MS.
利用 GC和 GC- MS联用仪对超临界 CO2 萃取茉莉浸膏的净油进行化学成分分析 ,分离出 131个组分 ,鉴定出其中的 35个化合物 ,所鉴定的成分占分离成分的 85%以上。
Effects of salicylic acid pretreatment on photosynthesis and its related physiological parameters in jasmine(Jasminun sambac) seedlings under cold stress;
Effects of SA Pretreatment on Activated Oxygen and Antioxidant Enzyme in Jasmine(Jasminun Sambac) Seedlings under Cold Stress;
Hypocotyls of Jasminun sambac was used as explants,and the regeneration system of highly efficient direct adventitious shoot on Jasminun sambac were studied.
Effect of Spraying Fe-EDTA on physiological characters and nutrient of Jasmine leaves;
Between the White and Red——The difference of the cultural aesthetic psychological between the jasmine culture of China and the rose culture of the western world;
As temperature decreased, the injury symploms of jasmine shoots gradually appeared,the activity of SOD decreased and the leakag.
The effects of gamma irradiation on the calli growth of garlic,sweet potato,spine date,cassava and Arabian jasmine;
Synthesis of Heliotropin;
ation of heliotropin and reviwed its synthetic routes and suggested its development direction.
概述了洋茉莉醛的物理、化学性质及应用, 综述了洋茉莉醛的合成工艺路线,并对它的发展方向提出了建议。
This paper discussed the property, aroma characteristic and application of heliotropin and reviewed its different kinds of synthetic routes.
概述了洋茉莉醛的性质、香气特征及其应用 ,综述了采用各种起始原料的洋茉莉醛合成工艺路线 ,并对合成洋茉莉醛生产的发展提出了建议。
Invasion Characteristics and Invasion Risk Assessment of Mirabilis jalapa;
Effect of VA Mycorrhizal Fungi to Seedling Growth of Mirabilis Jalapa on the Condition of Non Sterilization;
Volatile components in the flower of Styrax japonicus Sieb.
Effects of wet fumigation on the quality of jasmine tea;
Application of HACCP in the production of non-pollution jasmine tea;
Construction of production base for Fujian green food of jasmine tea and its industrialization countermeasures;
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