Maximum Genus of Graphs Embedded in the Klein Bottle;
Klein bottle,in term s of[1],is an odd bottle w hich m ay be draw ed but can not be m aked.
Only four surfaces are possible for such embedding:the sphere,the torus,the Klein bottle and the projective plane.
2,6-Diacteylpyridine was synthesized via esterification and the Claisen condensation using 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid as the starting material,with the metallic sodium being used as the base reagent for the first time.
Ethyl-dibenzoylmethane,which is one of the good light absorbents,was synthesized by using benzoyl acetate and ethyl phenyl ketone as their original raw materials,dibenzoylmethane was obtained through Claisen condensation,and then ethyl-dibenzoylmethane was got by alkylation.
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