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constant potential electrolysis是什么意思



1)constant potential electrolysis,恒电压电解2)constant current,恒电流3)constant potential,恒电位4)potentiostatic,恒电位法5)potentiostat,恒电位仪6)galvanostatic,恒电流7)Coulostatic,恒电量8)sustained field,恒电场9)constant voltage,恒电压10)fixed current,恒电流


    Study on Degradation of Model Dyeing Wastewater Using Active Chlorine under Constant Current;


    The influences of the electric factors on the accuracy of the constant current coulometrictitration were introduced, such as the output undulation of the constant current source, the uncertainty of the current calibration reference, the external circuit and environmental factors.

    分析恒电流库仑滴定过程中电气因素的影响 ,包括恒流源输出精度的影响、参考标准不确定度的影响、外部连接线路的影响、实验环境对电路的影响等 ,提出了减小这些影响的办法。

    Electrochemical treatment of simulated anthraquinone dye wastewater with in situ electrogenerated active chlorine at constant potential;


    The research works of coulometrictitration measurement system,such as the development of constant-current resource,establishment of constant potential device,programming software of controlling and analysis,editing works of analyzing method were introduced.


    The electropolymerization process of aniline in acidic aqueous solutions and some influential factors are investigated by potentiostatic method and cyclic voltammetry.


    The affairsmainly included the effect of the upper scanning po-tential on the polymerization when using the methodof cyclic voltammetry,the best potential employedwhen using the method of potentiostatic,the prepara-tion of the polymer that has only two peaks at 200mV and 900 mV in CV figure,and the effect of elec-tric quantity on the methods of the polymerization,etc,.


    The design of a potentiostat for electrolytic extraction of alloy phases;


    The intelligent wireless remote control potentiostat is a high power direct supply for cathodic protection.


    The representative products of cathodic protection power supply at various stages are rectifier, potentiostat Including the type of magnetic saturation, transistor, DC/DC converter and inverter, and other direct supply which makes use of natural resources such as closed cycle vapor turbogenerator.


    Polyaniline films were prepared on a platinum electrode by cyclic voltammetry, potentiostatic and galvanostatic electropolymerization methods.

    文中在Pt电极上用循环伏安、恒电位和恒电流电化学聚合方法制备聚苯胺 (PAn)薄膜 ,对PAn膜电化学合成条件进行了探讨。

    Mechanisms of mechanical degradation of reinforced concrete beams due to corrosion were investigated by the accelerated corrosion method-"galvanostatic method" in this paper.


    Determination of Tafel Slopes from Coulostatically Induced Transients and Its Integral Alogrithm;


    The Coulostatic Method for Evaluating Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete;


    An Analysis Method for Coulostatically Induced Transients of Multi-time Constant Electrode Process in Frequency Domain;


    Instant electric field-induced domain switching, crack initiation and propagation in a poled BaTiO3 single crystal, as well as sustained field-induced indentation crack propagation and 90°domain switching in an unpoled BaTiO3 single crystal have been investigated in situ using optical microscopy.


    5 kV/mm, no instant growth but a delayed propagation will occur after an incubation time t; under sustained field.


    The anodic oxidation process of aluminum in sulfuric acid was investigated using constant voltage electrolysis method.


    Polyaniline(PANI) was synthesized by fixed current method(FCM) and pulse polarization method(PPM) respectively.
