Chinese ancient towers were introduced from India,formed in the Eastern Han Dynasty,flourished in the Tang and Song Dynasty.
This thesis presents a study and analysis of SMA damper and its application for earthquake resistant and strengthening of the ancient tower through theory .
This thesis presents a study and analysis of SMA damper and its application forearthquake resistant and strengthening of the ancient tower through theory analysis,experiment study and computer simulation, referring to the stud.
Finite element stress analysis on the correction of the ancient pagoda;
The dynamic behavior is an important index to evaluate the seismic property and damage of ancient pagodas.
Distribution and appreciation of the existing ancient pagodas in China;
To explore the ways of protecting ancient pagodas built of brick or stone, based on some investigated information ,the Leaning Pagoda of Jingguang Temple in Meixian was rectified by the way of "drilling holes and softening" .
为了探讨保护古塔建筑的有效途径 ,在勘察及揭露调查研究的基础上 ,采用“成孔—软化”方法对陕西眉县净光寺塔实施了纠偏扶正 ,取得了较为理想的效果 ,其倾斜矫正量达 61 % 。
Many ancient pagodas of remaining to this day in Quanzhou reflect the flourish of Buddhism in Quanzhou s history and contain the folk custom.
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